
Auckland Girls’ have a passionate group of Badminton Players with a high number of students that compete both for competitive games and for fun. Both Juniors and Seniors play in teams in the Central Zone Competition in Terms 2 and 3.

Term 2 & 3
Premier Grade – Term 2
Can perform every shot with consistency. Currently plays in an Under 15, 17 or U19 representative teams.

Open Grade – Term 2 begins TBC
A Grade – Term 2 begins
Can perform most shots consistently. A top club player

B Grade Girls – Term 2 TBC
Players play regularly can consistently hit the shuttle. Has minor footwork, can smash, drop, clear, a minor backhand and serve.
Games are played at Auckland Badminton Hall, Epsom Girls Grammar or Mt Roskill Grammar

C Grade Girls – Term 2 begins
Can consistently make contact with the shuttle with an occasional miss. Has some footwork and adequate basic shots. Knows the rules and has played before.
Games are played at Auckland Badminton Hall, Epsom Girls Grammar or Mt Roskill Grammar

D Grade Girls – Term 2 begins
Just started playing or new to the game.
Games are played at Auckland Badminton Hall, Epsom Girls Grammar or Mt Roskill Grammar

To be announced

ABA, 99 Gillies Ave
Epsom Girls Grammar (where needed)

Please check the website towards the middle of term 1 for an update