Registrations are now open! Inviting all girls interested in playing Rugby League for AGGS in 2025.
1st XIII Premier Team
- Season commences in Term 2
- We play on a Thursday evening 4.00pm at various locations across Auckland Secondary Schools
- Our home ground is to be confirmed
- Trainings on a Wednesday afterschool at Victoria Park (Full attendance is encouraged)
- As a Premier player, all girls are expected to maintain a 85% attendance and attend school on playing days
- The school will supply a rugby jersey. Girls are to purchase schools shorts and socks from the school shop. Correct gear to be played in, at all times
- We are grateful to have on board with us Iron Up Sports New Zealand (Strength and Conditioning), and Return to Form (Physio) to provide sideline physio in 2025
- Girls who are interested in playing 1st XIII will be invited to attend a meeting with parents in the coming weeks to discuss the season, fees, expectations, nationals tournament expectations and meet the coaches and management.
New Zealand Rugby League Secondary Schools
- This year’s tournament will be held in Auckland this year at Bruce Pulman Park, Papakura. This will commence on Friday 29 August to Sunday 31 August.
U16 9-a-side (Development team)
- Season starts in Term 2
- We play on a Thursday evening at 4.00pm at various locations across Auckland Secondary Schools
- Our home ground is to be confirmed. Training location to be confirmed
- Season fees to be confirmed when the team is named and College Sport have confirmed teams for the season
- The jersey will be supplied by the school. Girls are to purchase schools shorts and socks from the school shop. Correct gear to be played in, at all times.
Coaching and Management
- We need your help! We want your girl to play rugby league at Auckland Girls
- We want to build a rugby league programme for all girls at Auckland Girls
- If you are interested in coaching (9-a-side) or managing (9-a-side) a team, we welcome your interest by contacting us
Please fill in the form below! Any questions contact Director of Sport
Per Angusta Ad Augusta “Through trials to triumph”